​Training Opportunities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Maryland Mortgage Program offers training to our industry partners--lenders, realtors, and housing counselors. If your company would like to set up MMP training for a professional group, send a request to SingleFamilyHousing.DHCD@maryland.gov​.

For participation in a presentation to potential homebuyers, here is an online request form that goes to the Outreach section. 

For the mandatory homebuyer education class that issues a completion certificate, here is a list of providers​.

External Training Resources​​​​​​

MMP PowerPoint Presentations & Training Videos​​​​​​​


Making a New Reservation

Making a New Reservation

​Using the Mapper to Identify Targeted Areas & Priority Funding Areas

Using the Mapper to Identify Targeted Areas and Priority Funding Areas