
The Department of Housing and Community Development promotes the Maryland Mortgage Program through a range of digital, broadcast and event activities, generating homebuyer traffic to the program's website. The Department provides mechanisms to connect interested homebuyers to our partners.

Lender Referrals

The homebuyer section of this website provides branch and contact details of all approved MMP mortgage lenders, and visitors to the site can choose to contact directly any listed lending company. We also provide a simple mechanism for prospective homebuyers to be connected to loan officer from one of our approved lenders in the county in which they are considering purchasing a home.

All loan officers from approved lenders are eligible to be the recipients of these referrals. In most cases, one loan officer per county is chosen for a 3-month period to receive these referrals. In some counties that experience a higher volume of homebuyer interest, these referrals may be distributed evenly between multiple loan officers.  For each quarter, the loan officer(s) that are provided these referrals is selected based on MMP reservation production on a volume basis. This data is reset each quarter. Loan officers that are determined to have the highest production in a quarter will be contacted for instructions on receiving and responding to these referrals. Loan officers that receive homebuyer referrals are expected to provide simple reporting on the outcomes of homebuyer engagement as a condition of continuing to receive referrals.

Realtor Referrals

Maryland REALTORS coordinates Housing Opportunity Certification (HOC) training with local REALTOR associations. Upon completion of this CE training, agents should be able to provide homebuyers with up-to-date and useful guidance on using the Maryland Mortgage Program.